Organizing paperwork so you can get ready for back to school

Have you ever lost really important paperwork? Maybe you didn’t completely lose it, but possibly misplaced it within a scattered mess of papers stacked haphazardly on the counter or table?  This is how it used to be for us before I implemented a paper processing plan and included the plethora of papers that my kids would bring home from school everyday. Thank goodness we’re past that now! If you are in the midst of 9 million sheets of paper and artwork coming home everyday from ...

How to get kids to do chores (age appropriate chores for kids)

Different seasons of life require different approaches to getting kids to do chores.  When my kids were little I struggled with how best to get them helping around the house. I felt it was important because I wanted them to learn a good work ethic, but it seems sometimes that the message we get from the world today tells us that we should let our kids be kids. Let them enjoy their younger years because when they grow up they’ll have plenty of time to work. This message along with ...

How to save time in your daily routine (No other time management tips are better than this one)

If you could save 10 hours in your week, what would you do with it?

How to organize your garage in 3 steps (even though it’s not your space)

Instead of waiting until your husband has time to organize the garage you can manage it with 3 steps that you put on repeat until the job is done. Here I share why you should organize the garage even if it’s not your space and how to make it happen. WHY YOU SHOULD ORGANIZE THE GARAGE When you dive into organizing someone else’s space, like the garage, they’ll be likely to come help out of fear that you’ll throw out all of their important stuff.  You’ll feel ...

How to Clean your Kitchen with a Simple Kitchen Cleaning Routine

I despise having to clean the kitchen before I can make dinner. It’s so frustrating to have to clear the counters and wash the needed pots and pans before I can even get started. This was my reality way too often. I’d walk in the door with a crying baby on my hip and 2 toddlers running around begging for something to eat. When I got to the kitchen I’d realize that we hadn’t really cleaned things up from the night before. Now not only did I have no clue what I was going ...

Enjoy more family fun this summer when you use a summer cleaning strategy

Summer is busy or busier, right? In a different way because the weather is warmer, there’s more things to do, there’s more family fun to be had. But what can be done so that you can actually say yes more than you say no?

How can I find time to organize when I can't even keep up with daily tasks?

How can I find time to organize when I can’t even keep up with daily tasks? THE STEPS TO MAKE YOUR HOME FEEL LESS MESSY

The Best Way to Get Stuff Done when you feel overwhelmed - Overcoming Overwhelm at Home - Capture System

The whole concept of a capture system is what I had been looking for seemingly forever, but until I found it I didn’t know it’s what I needed or that I was even looking for it. With a capture system I don’t stress or get overwhelmed as often. 

The Best Way to Get Stuff Done when you feel overwhelmed - Overcoming Overwhelm at Home - Prioritize

I find that sometimes I don’t want to take the time to do this whole brain dump thing. Then prioritize it? I fool myself into thinking that if I just roll up my sleeves and get started that will be way more effective. What happens then? I find myself starting one thing only to notice that another thing needs to be done too. I wind up with several things started and nothing actually completed. In last week’s episode I shared that my husband was in the hospital for a few days. He’s fine, ...

The Best Way to Get Stuff Done when you feel overwhelmed - Overcoming Overwhelm at Home - Brain Dump

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? That’s a silly question, right?! EVERYONE feels overwhelmed at times.


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As a mom looking for a fresh start in her home organizing journey, you want to be set up for lasting home organizing solutions, right? That means you’ll have to do something different than you’ve done before or what society tells us.

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