As someone who’s just starting their home organizing journey or feels like they need a fresh start you may think getting organized just isn’t possible for you. Maybe you’ve tried but it just never seems to work.
The Problems
Do you relate to any of these? Is this what you’re seeing or feeling in your own home?
So, what's the REAL solution?
Just like building a home, you have to start with a solid foundation, the concrete blocks. They aren’t pretty, but they are functional, right? They serve an important purpose. They’re necessary in order for your home to be stable and to last through every season. Without a solid foundation your home could crumble at any moment.
When you’re starting your home organizing journey, you have to start with the boring ugly foundation, also known as THE BASICS. At first it’s not pretty, but your home is functional. They serve an important purpose. THE BASICS are necessary in order for your organizing to be stable and last through every season of life. Without THE BASICS your organized spaces will fall apart and you’ll find yourself organizing them over and over again.
Every home organizing journey must start here, following these 3 steps, in order to keep the organized spaces organized.
Sort - in this step you’re sorting through all the things. You’re making decisions of what to keep, what to donate or sell and what to throw away. This step is difficult for me. I become tired of making decisions of what to do with everything. I fight the feeling that I should be able to easily part with things, but I’m sentimental so I keep the stuff.
Organize - in this step you’re assessing everything you’ve decided to keep and the space you have to keep it in. It’s important that you focus on the function in this step. How will you use the space and be sure to set yourself up for success so that in the heat of the moment you’re able to put things away in their proper home.
Sustain - in this step you’re documenting your expectations. Not only what you expect of others living in your home, but also what you expect of yourself. Checklists are great, but understanding your functional expectations set you up to sustain the work that you’ve done and set the stage to make tweaks through every season of life.
Are you ready to begin with the basics so that you can reach your vision of an organized home? To have the feeling that all your things have a place? To open your home to unexpected guests without fear of what they may be thinking? To be able to find what you need when you need it?
In this course, you’ll implement each of these steps so you can get there, so you can have the organized home you envision.
I hope we have the chance to get to know each other better!
Your Home Organizing Educator
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